
About hidden networks and the anonymity of their developers

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Totalitarianism and dictatorship took place in any historical period that modern science knows about. However, a person is prone to freethinking and dissatisfaction with everything that interferes with this. In our time, both sides of the issue are still relevant: some tirelessly try to prohibit and punish objectionable statements, others constantly generate these statements.

In order not to sharpen the ideological corners of the article, we will omit discussions about the possible infringement of freedom of speech, conscience and other things that supposedly should be free. For one reason or another, people often want to remain anonymous, resorting to anonymization software to do this. In this article you will learn why developers of programs for anonymity on the global network themselves should remain terra incognita.

Seduction of the Onion Web

The most popular online anonymity tool is Tor. For a user who is far from the topic of networks and the process of creating software in general, Tor is a Pandora's box and the Holy Grail of anonymity. This opinion is suggested by many sources, including the Tor project itself, which is supported mainly not by voluntary donations, but by the US Department of Defense and State Department. It should be noted that Tor was originally a development of the law enforcement agencies of this country (since 1995). Only in 2006, the non-profit organization Tor Project was created to develop the network, which to this day is the cover of the Tor browser, so beloved by young seekers of anonymity.

An astute reader may experience slight cognitive dissonance at this point: the United States of America, famous all over the world for scandals about total surveillance for the population of the planet, developed and made available for public use an instrument of freedom of speech!

To the credit of all admirers, it must be said that Tor is an open source project, which allows programmers around the world to check the quality of the program and identify possible weaknesses. Also in 2011, Tor received the Social Impact Award Free Software Foundation, and in 2012 - awards EFF Pioneer Award.

Despite the open source code of the Tor client, the network has architectural weaknesses in the form of start and consensus nodes that ensure its global functioning. Critical network infrastructure is distributed among authoritative institutions such as universities and public organizations, but the very fact of knowingly known guarantors of network performance raises concerns. Some of the guarantors are organizations directly dependent on the state.

Tor has several documented cases of operational failure. Basically, such news is associated with attacks from outside, and not with architectural shortcomings of the project itself. Most incidents are difficult to Google or are completely absent from search results. A possible reason lies in the fact that the network is so uninteresting to anyone that they don’t bother writing about it (although this is unlikely).

The last major incident with the Tor network that was directly related to the network's vulnerable architecture was the shutdown of more than half consensus nodes in January 2021, which surprisingly coincided with riots in America. As a result of the attack, all intranet “.onion” domains» v3 were unavailable for several hours, i.e. it was impossible to access anonymous network resources.

The information given is enough to suggest that Tor is not a tool of free speech in general, but “out there somewhere”, but when this “somewhere out there” begins in the USA, whose government keeps a hidden network under its wing, the network may cease perform its functions. You can also find an opinion on the Internet according to which Tor was released to the public in the early 2000s with the main focus on China, which maintained its socialist bias in politics even after the collapse of the USSR - once the main ideological enemy of the States.

Some enthusiasts of hidden networks, resistant to censorship and monitoring, consider Tor to be self-indulgence and call for its abandonment, especially in situations where the importance of maintaining user anonymity reaches the state level.

Incognito will save the situation

The second among anonymity tools is the network I2P. Less fame is due to a higher entry threshold for a newcomer, as well as the lack of advertising sponsored by the government of any country. There are two independent network clients: Java router And i2pd.

Unlike Tor, the I2P network is developed from the very beginning by a community of enthusiasts and is not affiliated with law enforcement agencies. All available I2P starting nodes needed for the first launch of the network client are held by enthusiasts (unnamed persons in the majority), who are more difficult to put pressure on than on a university, because there is an additional task of finding them. In addition, you can start an I2P router at all without accessing start nodes.

Questions arise from decisions made when developing a Java router, which stem from illogicality and deliberate ignoring of identified vulnerabilities. For reference: the Java router is a popular network client developed since the early 2000s (the alternative “i2pd” router dates back to 2013).

The development of the popular client for more than ten years has been supervised by one person with the nickname zzz. Under his control is the most authoritative resource stats.i2p: a directory of hidden sites and a (free) registrar of short domain names in the “.i2p” zone. Claims have been repeatedly made against stats.i2p due to censorship. Censorship on the main resource of an anonymous, uncensored network?! When there was a wave of #BlackLivesMatter in the world, zzz without discussion with the community changed the word "master" to "primary" in many places in the I2P router code, and also began to even more aggressively ignore new and delete old resources from right subject. Ultimately the controversy community an independent registrar reg.i2p was created, which zzz refuses to add to the Java router, citing lack of censorship.

Long-term neglect is egregious. critical vulnerability, which allows you to de-anonymize the administrator of a hidden resource. The developer of the Java router acknowledged the danger of the attack, but did not take any action. Vulnerability made public lead developer an alternative client where the problem is solved at the initial development stage.

The veil of zzz’s mysterious behavior, which is inconsistent with the spirit of I2P, is lifted by the fact of its publicity. His personality googles not the first line of search results, but quite simply: he personally participates in meetings dedicated to the development of.

zzz - main developer of I2P
zzz - main developer of I2P

In order not to increase the conspiracy level of the article, I will not make assumptions about the nature of zzz’s interaction with law enforcement officers. A sensitive reader can imagine the level of responsibility that the public wants to place on the shoulders of a person working on an anonymity tool. Anything will come into play: crime, violence, perverts and the like. Only a few will soberly say that such tools are used for criminal purposes. in a minority of cases, however, it allows users to share opinions on any topic without regard to Big Brother.

The developer of i2pd under the nickname orignal, unlike his colleague zzz, remains a secretive person, and, according to him, does not intend to change this state of affairs. He is open to criticism and suggestions, is actively working on an alternative I2P router and laughs at censorship. To a greater extent, he is the ideological inspirer of this material and an example for developers of similar projects: If someone needs a personality hype, or at least some kind of media presence, there is no place for him in the development of means of communication, which are a balancing force against the despotism of political regimes. In turn, no regime can provide a “pure” means of struggle without providing for its own protection from it.

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Comments 50

Published under this pseudonym this article In the magazine.
So let's write it down…
Vladimir Ilyich Losev, also known as orignal, wrote an article about the EdDSA signature with milk from a bread inkwell. The article was published in the scientific journal of SSU, in 2015…
Strange article and strange impression. It's like an unobtrusive imposition of i2pd instead of i2p. Of course, a client in C++ is good - speed, resource consumption and all that. But sometimes they write that applications in C++ are more vulnerable than in Java, precisely because Java is a virtual machine for bytecode, there are no pointers, buffer overflows, stricter type control, etc..
Further, if zzz bans right-wing players, it means that I personally have more trust in him. Who is original? It is known that he is from the Russian Federation. And in the Russian Federation, support for the current government is quite high, even among programmers. Of course, this doesn’t mean anything, but perhaps in situations where there is only one developer, publicity would be better than anonymity?

Thanks for the comment. Although I criticize zzz for oppressing “right-wingers,” I myself hold leftist views. The problem is not that Nazis are banned on stats.i2p, but that they are banned in general. This goes against the general philosophy of the network. This is not only my position, this is the general mood. Now zzz is practically the only one left in the development of the Java router, while the i2pd team clearly has more than one mentioned orignal. Perhaps they are financed by the FSB, but personally it seems to me that upon examination one can see promise in i2pd, and withering in the Java router. As for orignal personally: according to my information, he is Russian-speaking, but not from Russia.

>Although I criticize zzz for oppressing “right-wingers,” I myself hold leftist views. The problem is not that Nazis are banned on stats.i2p, but that they are banned in general. This goes against the general philosophy of the network.

Very close to cognitive dissonance. It may not be recognized, leading to certain psychosomatic problems.

Other examples of this:
I don't want children to be sold drugs, but I am against restricting the activities of such sellers.
I do not want my daughter to become a victim of pedophiles, I am against cruelty and violence, but I do not want to limit the propaganda and distribution of relevant materials.

Criminals have been successfully using technology for a long time, and this article is unlikely to have any impact on the shadow segment. My interest lies in popularizing I2P for the benefit of the large masses, who are now, like sheep to the slaughter, receiving suspended sentences for reposting on social networks, and some even believe that this is the norm.
A kitchen knife can kill, but I'm not afraid to keep a few of these around the house. Criminals need to be caught, if that’s what you want, I agree. But we need to catch criminals, not schoolchildren with stupid comments. While it’s easy to catch a schoolchild because he linked his mother’s number to his VK page, and it’s difficult to catch a drug dealer, those in power will fill their shoulder straps with stars solely at the expense of mothers and schoolchildren. When the capture of a criminal and a harmless child becomes equally difficult, I bet they will start catching the criminals.

"Freedom is slavery,” as D. Orwell wrote in the novel “1984.” I interpret these words as the modern motto of all censorship creators: “Don’t look for freedom of expression, there are only drug addicts there.” It’s funny, it’s really sad.

Apparently, the large masses do not need this, this is needed by a small community that thinks they are doing something useful for the larger masses.
It is even possible that the masses (namely, the entire society as a whole) will be against this technology and the total lack of censorship.
You didn’t conduct statistical research, social. surveys, etc..
So on what basis do you think that the “large masses” need this? We decided for everyone?

I am passionate about the methods and tools of free communication. I don’t force it on anyone against their will, I just give them a choice. As you understand, even without surveys on social networks, such a choice is usually not given. When censorship is introduced, no one is asked. My interest and belief is that this choice should be obvious. Even my close friends are often surprised when it comes to the fact that the paradigm of a mobile application linked almost to a passport is not the only one possible in our time. For the most part, ordinary people do not care who they communicate with: a verified user or not. People just need a means of communication. Because corporations and states have money, they promote what benefits them, not me or you.

You are definitely mistaken!

When censorship is introduced, no one is asked.

State bodies and authorities are elected by the people. And the majority (“the large masses”) approve and support this choice, no matter what you think in your little world. Thus, the government implements the will of the people.

Every nation has the government it deserves.

And you take on too much, deciding what will be good and what will not be for the “large masses”».

Then give this article a plus sign out of sympathy for the sick person and go on your way :)

A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
If you can't even register a party, you have no business being in power.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
I've said everything about this.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
«I don’t agree with a single word you say, but I’m ready to die for your right to express these words.” Voltaire will also be accused of cognitive dissonance?
I think something like this could be written either by a lawbreaker himself (maybe a drug addict, a radical nationalist or a pedophile), or a child, or a fool. Because a normal adult who lives in harmony with himself and society, who has built a life, created a family, and raised children, is unlikely to be happy in the neighborhood of people who pose a danger to themselves and society, or to their children. And he is unlikely to be happy about the distribution of dangerous materials.
Words about knives that can spread butter on bread and kill people are, excuse me, childish babble. Even animals limit and protect their offspring from various kinds of dangers until they become able to survive in this world on their own. You defend perversion, debauchery, means of moral, spiritual and physical self-destruction. I believe this will continue until you become victims of what you are fighting for..

I am not against privacy and anonymity, I am for the right to private life, for freedom of speech, religion, self-expression, etc. I am against the stupid and thoughtless defense of opportunities for lawbreakers to violate these laws, kill, corrupt, etc..

i2p is good for everything, except for the lack of the ability to block the distribution through myself (my node) of what I do not want to distribute. After all, I also have the right to my opinion? And I don’t want to go into details and disputes about the technical possibilities of implementing something like this…

So you say, criminals need to be caught. The police are doing a bad job, etc. Who do you help the police more, the security services or the criminals? Just answer honestly for yourself, what really useful things have you done for society? What a benefit they brought. Have you created a tool that will not allow you to identify cybercriminals? Good credit.
Yes, this means will allow us to avoid unjustified censorship on the part of the totalitarian regime, but the negative aspects will not go away.

And look at the reality: who actually uses these funds more. Historically, throughout its existence. Fighters for justice, fighters against corrupt authorities, exposers of crimes at the highest level, disseminators of the truth? Is it true that there are such resources in i2p? They are really popular?
But there really is a sale with a healthy turnover... And also, there are a lot of rabble there who have the opportunity to take off the mask from their flawed personality without consequences, add a genital organ or other obscenity to someone’s photo, write nonsense, post it in public and loudly cackle, drawing some illusions in your head…

I didn't come here to argue. I suggest you just think about it.

Everyone makes their own choice. The choice, the goal, the path - it's all yours.
I think something like this could be written either by a lawbreaker himself (maybe a drug addict, a radical nationalist or a pedophile), or a child, or a fool.
You can think whatever you want, but I have a little more confidence in the words of great educators. And I doubt that they were fools or violators of laws (more precisely, reasonable and fair laws, and not what the then “villains, traitors and kings” © issued to combat the population).

The rest of your comment sounds like you're talking to someone other than me. Very thick.
Because a normal adult who lives in harmony with himself and society, who has built a life, created a family, and raised children, is unlikely to be happy in the neighborhood of people who pose a danger to themselves and society, or to their children. And he is unlikely to be happy about the distribution of dangerous materials.

Where does such categoricalness come from??
Here I am: a man who built a life, created a family, raised children.
But at the same time I am against any censorship.

// However, it’s true that I am against propaganda in any form (even agitation for any religion, and even against militant atheism), but I am still for the “federalization of platforms for communication".

That is, I believe that EVERYONE should have the right express your thoughts and discuss them with like-minded people.

And so that the location of these sites is publicly known (so that those in need do not have to search for them during the day) and so that there are no those who do not know about them. Accordingly, so that anyone has the opportunity if desired support the discussion.

But it is extremely desirable that they do not go beyond the boundaries of their platform and do not impose their discussion and agenda on those who have no desire to deal with it.

Agree, this, to put it mildly, is “slightly” different from your categorical position that “any sane person is for censorship".

Or will you call me a fool just because I don't support your point of view??

I don’t remember who said it, but “whoever chooses safety between freedom and security will receive neither freedom nor security»
So, are you all, who are in favor of such statements, ready to abandon the police, the army and other organizations that ensure the safety of society? Yes, there will be absolute freedom, but how long will civilization, humanity, exist in such conditions? You say I'm exaggerating? Where is the line? Do you see it yourself? Maybe we still need a balance and some reasonable approach?
If anything - kitchen knives are one of the main, prevailing murder weapons.

I don’t see any cognitive dissonance even in the examples given..
They are not even mutually exclusive paragraphs.

Perhaps they are financed by the FSB, but personally it seems to me that upon examination one can see promise in i2pd, and withering in the Java router. As for orignal personally: according to my information, he is Russian-speaking, but not from Russia.

I hope you're right:)
In general, for such projects it is extremely important to have the participation of as many developers as possible from all over the world, constant code audits and security research. This is the only thing that reduces the risk of influence on the project from any intelligence agencies.
Further, if zzz bans right-wing players, it means that I personally have more trust in him.

Mmmm, good, correct censorship! No freedom for the enemies of freedom!11

World history perfectly shows what happens if you give freedom to the enemies of freedom.

The history of the USSR perfectly shows what happens if you start labeling and banning everyone whose opinion differs from yours. And what happens when you mix ideology into areas to which it has nothing to do?.

A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
the boundless stupidity of the endless idiots on whom all these trends rest.

This is why education plays a vital role in the future of humanity. And the humanities play an important role.

What is the article about, given the title??
i2p is an order of magnitude more promising than tor, like this title?

including the Tor project itself, supported mainly not by voluntary donations, but by the US Department of Defense and State Department.

I do not agree with the above, I trust the Tor ecosystem and blog more than you.
And if you have studied the issue about Tor, you would not so mediocrely pass off other people’s thoughts as your own, that the basis of support for Tor is the security forces and the state. USA.

On the Tor blog repeatedly it was mentioned how grants or contributions from the above-mentioned structures actually work: Tor goes and offers its ideas/research and services in exchange for money and sometimes (if the government doesn’t like the proposals) they are not funded, the contracts are thrown into the trash.

Thanks for your comment. An article about the need for anonymity for developers of anonymizing tools in order to minimize possible pressure on them.
To a large extent, I presented my subjective considerations, which you may find erroneous and reject. I only operate with facts known to me and speculative models that do not contradict banal logic. Based on this, I decided to write a note so that the slippery aspects of hidden networks are at least somehow Googled. For many, not only hidden networks, but also the Internet itself in the general understanding is a magical cloud in wires. And this is very naive and fraught with consequences.

About Tor, grants and the polite KGB: “Whoever dines a girl, dances her.” I refuse to believe otherwise, sorry about that. You would also suggest that I believe the stories from federal TV: our journalists are all free, and the state feeds them to the poor fellows every now and then. They don't need bread, give me the truth! :)

«Whoever dines a girl dances her»

And what, according to you, Tor only dances state? And in my opinion, the whole world does this.

Federal TV

And here in general there is state TV with incomparably high budgets against TOR (in comparison with the 'pathetic 4 million $/year')?

Tor has four categories of sponsors:
(1) Research funding from groups such as the National Science Foundation to conduct basic research on privacy and censorship, including studying how to improve Tor's performance and security and inventing new methods to circumvent censorship.
(2) R&D funding from groups such as Radio Free Asia and DARPA to create safer tools. Different funders may have different audiences in mind when they help developers make Tor Browser more secure and easier to use, but they want the same thing from Tor Browser.
An analogy in the Russian Federation: subsidies that are allocated within the framework of the Digital Economy program. You fulfill a number of requirements/specifications from the state of the Russian Federation and the free support is yours, and the software/rights/patents are yours. That is, this does not mean that you and the state are on a grand scale and you are being danced'.
(3) Deploying and funding training from organizations such as the U.S. State Department and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide domestic security training, create user-focused documentation, and otherwise help activists around the world on how to be safer online.
(4) Major organizational support, primarily through individual donations (users, foundations: Mozila and DDG!).

how funding proposals work, for those who are worried that governments are coming to us wanting to pay us for doing something bad. It works like this: we try to find groups with funding in the area we want to work on, and then we go to them with a specific plan of what we want to do and how much it will cost, and if we are lucky, they will say "ok" . There's never a time when someone comes up to us and says, "I'll pay you X dollars for Y." OF. quote from TOR


I only operate with facts known to me and speculative models that do not contradict banal logic. Based on this

So attach these known facts to your article, for now only “speculative models” --> “Tor, supported mainly not by voluntary donations, but by the US Department of Defense and State Department.»

Thank you for the detailed criticism and selection of quotes. I have no doubt that Tor's policies are credible. However, I said that the office is still centralized. Everything can be learned by comparison: architecturally and initially ideologically, I2P evokes more sympathy.

Most incidents are difficult to Google or are completely absent from search results. A possible reason lies in the fact that the network is so uninteresting to anyone that they don’t bother writing about it (although this is unlikely).
I think this shortcoming is still worth fixing.

Roger Dingledine said it well about the reason why the authors of Tor made it open source and accessible to everyone.:

The United States government can't simply run an anonymity system for everyone and then use it themselves only. Because then every time a connection came from it people would say, 'Oh, it's another CIA agent.'

That is, the government needed an anonymization system, but if there were no one in it except the special services, such anonymity would be of little use.

Totalitarianism and dictatorship took place in any historical period that modern science knows about.

Totalitarianism is a 20th century invention. (see Arendt)

Dictatorship is a more specific concept. How do dictators appointed by the Senate for a specific term in Ancient Rome fit here??

I observe a trend that more and more people are interested in the right means of anonymity. I propose to announce the year of I2P on Habré
This trend is amazing

Personality hype is a cult of personality in the context of the availability of information technology. a new word in verbiage. need to remember

I have 2 questions for you, as (if I understand correctly) an i2pd developer or one moving in these circles.

1. Is torrent support planned (the Java client has).

2. Do you plan to achieve package stability in gentoo or in some other popular systemd-free distribution (to be honest, I don’t know if there are any)?

A Java router is a monolithic collection of several programs, including a torrent client. In turn, i2pd is a router and only that. Torrent clients like XD use the SAM protocol, Snark uses the I2CP protocol, Robert uses the BOB protocol (I think). All of these protocols are supported by i2pd, which means that it can power almost any torrent client that provides an external router (rather than a built-in one, as is done in the Java router package).
Currently, I don’t know of any gentushniks in the project who would bother to support i2pd in Gentoo. If you are a C++ programmer, join us. Make a good contribution :)

All of these protocols are supported by i2pd, which means it can handle almost any torrent client that requires an external router
I haven’t heard anything about such torrent clients before; I associate the word snark in the context of torrents only with i2psnark from i2p in java. In any case, it would be interesting to read (it is clear that this is the topic of a separate article, not a comment), if at all possible, instructions on how to launch torrents via i2pd in any reasonable Linux distribution.
If you are a C++ programmer, join us
I'm afraid I'm never a C++ programmer. Quite capable of installing Linux on a regular computer, but still not a C++ programmer.

Specifically, in Ghent there is even an i2pd package, but it is unstable.

Perhaps someday I will publish an article about bit torrent via I2P, but for now I suggest you read comment, where do I answer a similar question?.

I see. Thanks. As I understand it, XD is still far from being included in the repositories, and biglybt is closer to this, but is written in the same Java that i2pd is trying so hard to get rid of.

However, it is a mistake to believe that anyone on the PurpleI2P team (which develops i2pd) is prone to fascism based on programming language preferences. Java is not appropriate in I2P only because I2P is a storehouse of cryptography, the implementation of which in C++/C is much faster. If someone writes a torrent client even in JavaScript (in ReactJS, for example), and it can use the SAM protocol to interact with an I2P router, that will be good! :)

As I understand it, XD is still far from being included in the repositories
An overlay is enough for genta.
systemd-free distribution (to be honest, I don’t know if there are any more)
There is
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