This article contains thoughts on how to completely legally circumvent the new law on the prohibition of information and not end up with the entire site on the list of blocked resources..
Many people know about such an anonymous network as I2P; content inside it cannot be moderated or prohibited..
Please note that I am NOT suggesting moving the entire site to an I2P network and liquidate usual before
I’ll repeat myself, but I’ll say:
Main pros and cons of I2P:
+ fault tolerance
+ High anonymity (the network was created taking into account the fact that all nodes are under government control)
+ Inability to find out the physical location of the node
+ Advanced Onion Routing (updated version from TOR)
+ Using different encryption methods and periodically alternating them
— There is only one access to the big Internet - through a network node located in Germany
— Slow network performance *
And what can be done to ensure that your site is not included in the register and continues to function normally without removing content from it that is not acceptable to the government??
The answer is simple — transferring part of a site or the entire site to an I2P network .
At this point you may object and say - “Tor is better, it also has hiding services!»
— Yes, there is, but the Tor network was originally created as a chain of proxy servers and not a hidden Internet, the principle of networks and the place of their use are different.
How to transfer parts of articles that have been deleted under threat of blocking
To transfer a site to the I2P network, you will need to install the official network client from the site http://www.i2p2.de/index_ru.html
You will then have to create a tunnel to the site and allow the web server to communicate locally.
Please note that the I2P client may not necessarily be installed on the same server where your website is located.
Example: When you visit this address you will be able to access lurkmore through a tunnel I created from my computer
And with the help of this service, you can access the resources of the I2P network via the regular Internet: http://i2p.in (Open)
If the address is unavailable, the computer is turned off or the home channel is clogged, unfortunately it is not rubber
To separate access (for regular Internet/I2P), you can make a trigger in PHP (or in the server language you use) that blocked content can be accessed only from a specific IP address (if the client for the I2P network is installed locally, then
This way you will get two benefits:
— Your site will not be blocked in the Russian Federation
— The content on your site will be accessible via the I2P network
And those people who want to read it, and I’m sure there will be many of them, will be able to download the I2P client and access the resource, or use the i2p.in service to view the content.
Now let's talk about the last item on the list of minuses — Slow I2P network
When creating a tunnel, you will be asked to select the number of “hops” to your service and the fewer hops, the less anonymity and you are easier to detect but faster the speed of work.
Since the fact of anonymity is not important to you (You’re not selling drugs, you’re just circumventing the ban.) then you can safely choose zero anonymity.
(One of the sites on the I2P network that works quickly precisely because of the use of the method described above — http://rus.i2p — Russian Wikipedia on the I2P network)

You can read more about migrating a website to I2P here http://habrahabr.ru/post/97996/ from the habra user GamePad64