
How to use i2pd: comprehensive instructions for MS Windows

Время на прочтение 4 min
Количество просмотров 109K

I2p is a network specializing in the anonymity of intranet resources; in this way it differs from the tor network, the main task of which is not internal resources, but building secure access to the Internet. By being aware of these two features, people can work much more effectively on both networks..

In i2p you can do many things: visit and create websites, forums and trading platforms, receive mail, chat and download torrents, and much more. The i2pd program is capable of working with a large number of programs and services.

It’s worth remembering that the program helps you achieve anonymity, but the anonymity itself depends on you. From your actions taken online and offline, the settings of the equipment used and operating programs. These instructions will help you set up i2pd and start working on the network.

Well, let's begin:

Download from the official website of the program


fresh archive. Unpack the program using one of the archivers that supports zip archiving into any folder convenient for you. For example, this could be C:\i2pd\.

Launch the program. You will see a terminal window. This window tells you that i2pd is working. The window will remain open until the end of the I2P session. You can roll it up.

Open any browser that you decide to use for i2p. My recommendation is Mozilla Firefox or any other Gecko engine due to the flexibility of working settings, but you can use the browser that you personally like.

Type the following address in your browser:

At this address you will find a web console with network statistics.

In the console you will see various things, such as the address of the folder with the program's working files. In the available release 2.3.0, the developers decided that this would be the path of the following content:


For further settings, go to this folder. If you cannot find the AppData folder, then it has been hidden (fear not, the folder is not a system folder, it contains program files, one of which is i2pd). Brief instructions from Microsoft on how to show hidden files and folders will help you achieve your goal:


We will need two files in this folder. If they have not yet been created, please create them manually. The first file is the subscriptions file. It contains the addresses at which i2pd will update your existing list of sites with network-wide.

File name: subscriptions.txt

File contents:


The second file we need is very interesting - this is the tunnel file. I2PD is a virtual router, literally a box, to which you can connect through many ports. This way we can configure our programs and services on the computer to work with programs and services on the network.

Each tunnel follows the same structure.

[IRC] — this is our name, we ourselves decide what will be written here.
type=client — with this we indicate whether we will connect to a service within the network or, on the contrary, we ourselves are a service (and then the value will not be client, but server).
port=666 — port name on the router. Please note that the ports are assigned by you in the same way as the name, and may be something else, you can try changing them.
destination=irc.echelon.i2p — the name of the service we are going to interact with.
keys=irc.dat — an address with keys that are important to us for trustworthy work with the selected service. Sometimes you can use the same key file, for example, to work with the postman.i2p mail service (you will see below how this is done).

File name: tunnels.cfg

Content (as an example, we set up an IRC chat on one of the network servers, as well as receiving and sending mail on one of the main mail resources):




You can also download both files ready-made in the archive at


(The link will be working for 90 days from the last view. Reliable sources guaranteed that the creators will definitely make a suitable installer during this time, so there is no need to worry yet). It is enough to unpack them into the directory we found above. Make sure the files have the same content as above by opening them with any text editor or processor.

Save and configure both files. Please note: after changing these files you will need to restart i2pd: until this is done, the changes will not take effect!

Return to the browser window. Change proxy to
http and port 4444 (up to version 2.3 -4446)

It’s very easy to do this using the instructions for any browser here

ru.wikihow.com/change-proxy-server settings

and feel free to visit sites, we have indicated two network search resources:

epsilon.i2p And search.i2p

# 1 When launched for the first time, i2pd will spend some time getting to know various network nodes (quite possibly several hours) before collecting enough data to run the sites (according to subscriptions.txt).

# 2 To ensure security, i2p constantly builds different tunnels from you to the resource you need. Tunnels take some time to build, which can cause delays in opening sites. Therefore, if the site does not open, refresh the page several times.

# 3 Some sites are run by people just like you. Be more lenient if the resource does not open! It is quite possible that the site you are opening is not on a powerful server, but on exactly the same computer as yours, and may not always be turned on!

More networking instructions can be found here:


It looks like everything is ready. So far there are not very many people using the network, so there are not very many resources. The network is primarily built by those who want to make life better for free. The i2pd developers are also completely free, among them there are many people who speak Russian, you can communicate with them on the #i2pd-ru channel through your IRC program (we have already shared a port for this with you earlier). They do everything to make it more convenient for you to use i2p and hope that users will also help make the network more interesting and better. With you, i2p will become richer, we are sure of it. Good luck using i2p!

PS If you need a tutorial to install i2pd under Debian/Ubuntu, you can find it here: habrahabr.ru/post/275643
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Комментарии 48

Comments 48

Why two different posts? It was quite possible to put everything in one.
At first we thought about publishing it on Giktimes for Windows in general, because Windows is not true. But then they scored.
How is this not true? People use it.
There is no need to divide people by OS, it is counterproductive, in this case it is better to divide them into those who already use i2p and do not use it yet.
This probably did not mean ordinary holivars about the OS. And the fact that Windows spies on users out of the box. Therefore, the use of various anonymization tools (such as i2p) in Windows does not a priori guarantee success.
An interesting topic by the way. Let's assume that some OS is spying on users. To what extent will using i2p help you get rid of surveillance? It would be nice if one of those who wrote about this in the topic.
It won't help at all. Everything is intercepted at the system kernel level. For example, all keystrokes.
No, all keystrokes CAN be intercepted, but this is unlikely to be done. It is much more likely, for example, to intercept URLs or IP addresses.
So I would like to hear an analysis of what types of surveillance i2p can protect against and which it cannot..
When it comes to safety, any possible leak is ALREADY taken into account. Those. if they can, they are automatically considered to be doing so. No options. Otherwise, it cannot be called security, which turns a blind eye to such holes.
This is ideal, and even ideally, absolutely resistant systems do not exist. In practice, threats are always ranked as more or less real. In addition, i2p has one valuable property - intermediate nodes do not have access to the data they transmit; if someone installs a compromised or even malicious node, this will not help him track the content. However, it can help in collecting statistics, determining real IPs and linking IP to content. It seems to me that this is a subtle place that a good cryptographer should analyze and this is exactly what I meant.
In general, that’s not what we’re talking about, i2p is built from nodes, and there needs to be as many nodes as possible, so I’m in favor of the code being degraded to any available system and involving as many participants as possible.
If we go back completely to the roots, then reliable sources indicate that the creator at the beginning did not want to implement i2pd for Windows at all.
And not only because of Windows spying on users.
I never really planned for this. The very first and main version is still under Linux. Well, since we got a working version for Windows, then, as they say, what grows, grows.
Why aren't Apple and Google watching? They started this before Windows 10.
Previously, it was officially recognized and stated in the agreement? ;)
Of course, they are also watching. But we were talking about Windows.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
And the small ones are famously abandoning other versions of Windows and are actively switching everyone to ten. Android cannot influence attitudes towards Linux in any way. All its bugs and spy modules are already stuffed on top, and not in the Linux kernel.
> My recommendation is Mozilla Firefox or any other Gecko engine due to the flexibility of working settings, but you can use the browser that you personally like.

I fully support Firelis’s choice, but it’s worth noting that using the same browser to surf Clearnet and i2p is unsafe for many reasons. It’s better to have a separate browser for i2p and not allow it to access the Internet at all, bypassing the i2p router; for the same Firefox, this is done quite simply through foxyproxy. Or, as an option, take the tor browser bundle and reconfigure it to use i2p, we get a portable browser with sufficient security.
This is understandable, but for the first, introductory surfing, this is the best choice. And then, with the increasing frequency of using i2p and, accordingly, increasing paranoia, the person himself will begin to use different browsers, and then different devices ;D
Gentlemen, I want to warn you.
The developer of i2pd - orignal, our compatriot - did not share the repository with the project employees Monero, when they started committing their code. I don’t know the details and who is right and who is wrong, but that’s not important.

Now, as a result, there are two forks of i2pcpp — i2pd And kovri. This quote has been floating around in IRC conversations for some time now::

2015-12-08 16:12:46 +anonimal orignal: Can you please contact me via PM or verify that i2porignal@yandex.ru is a working address? This is urgent.
2015-12-08 16:17:15 +anonimal Also, there is no PGP key for that address, AFAICT.
2015-12-09 11:40:48 +anonymous original | [22:39:28] anonimal, I doubt we have any topics to discuss
2015-12-09 11:41:12 +anonymous original: I've 0day'd i2pd. Quit being an idiot and respect my responsible disclosure. Don't put your users at risk.

Be carefull.
If anyone is an idiot, it's himself. I saw the code in the process of changes and cackled, because he himself is only capable of copying it to himself.
Now about this story: there was an attempt by some unscrupulous people to grab this project for themselves. After it failed, they forked themselves and began public insults.
Secondly, no one invited those same “Monero employees” to the project, moreover, they were denied participation in the project, but they gained access to the repository fraudulently, taking advantage of my temporary absence.

Verily, be vigilant!
This sheds light on the situation from the other side.
The bad thing is that nowhere is there actually a description of what exactly happened, but these very public insults are in plain sight. For such an important project this is alarming.

Maybe you can write a post about what happened? First-hand.
Otherwise, the entire GitHub and IRC bug tracker has been captured, as I see it.
I support, I’m also interested in what happened in detail
On ReactOS, I wonder if it will take off or not?
As far as I know, you need gcc >= 4.8 and boost
In theory, there should be a compiled binary from the neighboring topic. But here it depends more on ReactOS.
Is there a comparison with the original i2p? Resource intensity, stability, throughput, that's all. Not general words like “it’s native, so it’s definitely easier and faster,” but honest benchmarks.

PS. The question is in no way a reproach to the author, because... I believe that any variety is only beneficial. Just wondering.
Thanks for the idea. Let's implement.
On the title picture in the last line it says
or ./i2pd (unix)

it means ~/i2pd or where to look for it?
Not ./i2pd, but /.i2pd.
In the web console, after installation, the path being accessed will be shown. This can be either /home/USERNAME/.i2pd or /root/.i2pd. In any case, everything must be done from the terminal.

All detailed information on installation in Debian/Ubuntu can be found here: habrahabr.ru/post/275643
after all ~/.i2pd
For further settings, go to this folder. If you cannot find the AppData folder, then it has been hidden (fear not, the folder is not a system folder, it contains program files, one of which is i2pd). Brief instructions from Microsoft on how to show hidden files and folders will help you achieve your goal

Start - Run and type: %APPDATA%
Or type the address of any folder into the input field.
This is normal status.
nnm-club.i2p may not open because it is not in the address book. Go to inr.i2p and enter the site address in the search bar, then follow the link. The site will be added to your address book automatically.
Besides the above Arula We must also take into account that i2p has a fairly long start-up time for full operation. Sometimes you need to wait a few minutes before sites start opening.
Thank you. A year ago I waited 4 days for uptime, but I2P did not work. Only minutes this time 30.
Hmm, I have about 50 minutes already, it’s only opening identiguy.i2p
This article really lacks the instructions “Running i2pd as a Windows service.” Does anyone have any successful experience??

The scant description of the launch parameters hints that -service has nothing to do with it.
Not sure if the service is working now. I know that one person tried to do this back in 2013.
Is it possible to use the i2p network to connect to a local network? I mean using it like Hamachi or tungle. It’s just that i2pd seems to work and opens sites, but Hamachi and tungle suddenly suddenly stopped :(
What will be used as transport between nodes?
NTCP in particular does not require the use of TCP/IP, but any streaming protocol.
So you can forward TCP ports there. SSH via i2p is configured quite banal, For example.
Yes we use this all the time.
This was not about this, but for example the use of something other than the Internet as transport.
Transport for communication between i2p routers?
we were talking about the ability to see a computer connected to i2p as a computer connected to my local network. My IP is not external and my router is new. (let’s pretend that I don’t know how to configure port forwarding in the router) can I create a game server (and let’s pretend that the connection speed is not important now (for example for heroes 3)) so that my neighbor’s computer, also connected to i2p, sees it as if between us twisted pair?
Is it even possible for a computer to use an i2p router not as a proxy, but as a network connection? so that with dns, ip address and all that... (this is why I mentioned Hamachi and tungle which suddenly stopped working)

By the way, about the connection in principle:
Now the i2p router, when trying to connect to a site, initially shows just a white sheet, and only on the second/third attempt does it actually load the site. It would be nice if at least some information like:
«looking for a way”, “evaluating”, “connecting”, “unsuccessful, attempt No. n”, “wait a second almost downloaded :)»
Regarding the first question: I2P works fine due to the router if UDP packets pass in both directions (and usually they pass).
The idea of ​​making a tun interface for it with its own subnet has been in the air for a long time.
Regarding the second question: this was exactly how it used to be, but then it was removed due to problems with resuming files. We need to fix this properly.
I was just researching the possibility of attaching a tun interface, there are no technical problems, but there are problems with usability. In simple terms, it is not clear why it is needed there. If you convince me, why not do it?.
Oh please…

I'm still here :))

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