
I2P traffic has grown significantly over the past year

Время на прочтение 1 min
Количество просмотров 31K

on graphics it can be seen that in January-April 2013 the number of I2P users remained at approximately the same level, but a noticeable increase began in late April and May. Another surge in popularity occurred in September 2013. If it weren’t for the October recession, we could talk about a more than doubling of the number of users over the past year: the daily audience grew from 15 thousand to 35 thousand.

The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is an anonymous network that is somewhat similar to Tor. The principle of multi-layer traffic encryption is also applied here, as in the “onion” routing of Tor, although with some differences. All traffic is transmitted over encrypted channels between the users themselves. Unlike Tor, the peer-to-peer structure of the I2P network encourages torrenting.

Experts attribute the increase in the number of users to increased censorship on the Russian Internet. Now the Russian Federation is the most active user of the I2P network by number of nodes. At least when it's night in the USA.

Of course, the hype surrounding the wiretapping of Internet users by the NSA as part of the PRISM program and other programs declassified thanks to Edward Snowden also played an important role..

In addition to the introduction of censorship in Russia, I2P project leader Lars Schimmer is another reason for the increase calls release of the official I2P application for Android, early versions of which appeared on the forums.

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Comments 54

A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
Somehow it doesn't work.
Unlike 1983, we can afford a gigabyte database and search through it.
Moreover, compression will allow you to compress records from a certain size.
With all this traffic they could soon be rich…
What do you have in mind?
Given the increasing degree of compromise/concern about the Tor by authorities, i2p traffic will only grow. Many people moved there from the torus a year ago.
I installed a router on Amazon, a proxy there, and set it up to the home one for *.i2p - it turned out transparent and convenient, but it’s still slow. We will trust the schedule and hope that soon the quality of work will be more comfortable.
not many people, what to say.

As long as filibuster torrents will be outside, on the regular web, there will be a fine grid for the red-eyed.
When everything interesting remains only in i2p, then real popularity will come.
Is filibuster already delivering books to the regular web? Since a month ago, books were only in i2p.
She gives, and gave. What not to give away?.
wget flibusta.net
--2013-10-27 15:57:00-- flibusta.net/
Resolving flibusta.net (flibusta.net)…
Connecting to flibusta.net (flibusta.net)||:80… connected.

what am I doing wrong?
namely books, not the face of the site. Looks like this is what we were talking about.
I checked. Books work too. (Are you too lazy to open it in the browser??)
Yes, I was talking specifically about fb2/mobi files. There was a stub that said, “Copyrights, tweedledum, go to the mirror of the site in i2p.” However, now I’ve poked around various books - they give it to regular http.
And today my face doesn’t open.
i2p decides.
Started using it today.
A little off topic, but maybe there is an i2p sign here. I installed an i2p router on an ubuntu server. There is a way to make sure that statistics are not reset after a service restart?
What is the required width of a regular Internet channel for i2p to work at an acceptable speed??
I have already installed it several times and after a couple of days I took it down - not a single i2p page loads.
Well, I held it for several hours for sure. And even a few days.
I don’t expect super speeds, but I would like the sites to at least open. With brakes, slowly, one line at a time, like in the days of dial-up... but so that at least something happens:)
What sites and how exactly do you try? Start with forum.i2p And rus.i2p. Even better with the second one. And write the specific problem you get if it doesn’t load.
Its speed depends not only (and not so much) on the width your his channel.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
I haven't mastered i2p. Apparently you need to have some kind of special Internet for the network to work. In my opinion, it's too complicated for ordinary users
easier than pre-BBW internet.
Surely, but only, they compare everything with the modern Internet
think of it as a big city locale.
30 thousand users - this is not the scale that allows you to do large projects.
Of course, these are not the times, but 200 thousand Silkroad users managed to handle both Tor and Bitcoin when it became clear to them why they should do it.
same here - copyright holders are driving people into Tor and i2p.
external pressure will gradually increase -> the population of darknets will grow -> economic sense will appear in projects that exist only in i2p -> there will be more content -> attractiveness for users will grow -> new Internet.
To be honest, I never found normal instructions on how to install i2prouter on a home server and transfer web-gui for administration not only to localhost, but also to the home network.
ssh -Nf -L 6668:localhost:6668 -L 7658:localhost:7657 -L 4444:localhost:4444 -L 7660:localhost:7660 -L 7659:localhost:7659 -p "someport" "someuser"@i2p-host
Something like this, for example.
I didn’t find any normal instructions on how to transfer web-gui for administration not only to localhost, but also to the home network

Well, it’s simple - I tried the standard one, but for some reason it was buggy and didn’t forward anything =-( Now, to clear my conscience, I’m installing i2p again =)
squid as an option
yes, there are questions. There is a home server. Login only as root. For i2p, the user i2psvc is used, which is created automatically. Two questions:
1) Where can I find i2p configuration files? This automatically created user does not have a home folder.
2) How to manage the router? Login under i2psvc? i2prouter from root says that it is not running, plus it offers to edit the file so that you can log in from root. But I don’t need to run the router as root, I need to control the router running under i2psvc. ps ax|grep i2p produces two processes, by which I can judge that the router should be working.
You should at least name the OS or something. I'm not even talking about the distribution.
Debian 6.2, sorry, forgot.
You can’t edit his configs manually, you can’t log in to your account. Instead, all settings are done via http://localhost:7657/ — Have you even read the doc on it? At least briefly, diagonally? At least FAQ?

In fact, all of its “external” settings come down to: where is its home directory, under which account to run it, and whether to run it manually or as a system-wide service.
ssh -Nf -L 6668:localhost:6668 -L 7658:localhost:7657 -L 4444:localhost:4444 -L 7660:localhost:7660 -L 7659:localhost:7659 -p “someport” “someuser”@i2p-host

This is how I forwarded the ports to the localhost during setup. So far, everything is working, but there is no way to connect to the console via localhost:7658 from a regular browser =( It simply displays This webpage is not available from Chromium, Iceweasel... Well, if you log in from under a proxy, then there is no way to connect to the web interface , but the router itself works fine via localhost:4444 and I can easily navigate eepsites.
This I have. Historically, it is more convenient for me to access the remote i2p web console via port 7658. A CRImier just copied me.
Yes, you can customize anything, don’t be picky.
This is not a quibble, maybe the person mistyped the port number, that’s why it doesn’t open, how do I know??
In fact, the person asked the corresponding question in Q&A, where I answered him - I wrote the same paths and gave the same recommendation about restarting the service. Everything is done according to the i2p manual, with the difference that the files are not located in ~/.i2p, but there it is written above where.

Just yesterday, just for fun, I picked up i2p on a headless server with wheezy. Not just headless, but generally in an openvz container. And I picked it up quite successfully, honestly read the instructions, found where the i2p configs were and corrected them according to the instructions. In general, I don’t understand where CRImier there might be a problem here.
Hidden text
В том, что я порой бываю невнимательным и поверхностным, а так всё нормально =)
The September surge was apparently caused by “exercises” on the filibuster.
The only thing left to do is to completely ban any cross-domain requests in the browser for i2p domains (at the moment this can only be done by modifying the source code, this is not available to plugins), otherwise working with i2p according to the scheme - “let me set up a proxy on a SQUID for an i2p domain” completely deprives users of anonymity.
I didn’t really understand you. There is no reason why cross-domain requests can only be prohibited in the source code, if, for example, there is a requestpolicy for FF, and in general you can turn all traffic through an i2p router in a separate browser profile by disabling outproxy.

And secondly, what kind of scheme is this “I’ll set up a proxy on a SQUID for an i2p domain”? How it deprives users of anonymity?
Hmm, I wonder if this permission blocks requests for objects from CSS or tags like img? What about xsl/xml requests? I'll have to check.

Even without javascript enabled, it is possible to monitor a user on an anonymous site by inserting requests into the regular Internet on the page, for example, uploading a picture with a specific code that identifies you as a specific client on an i2p site.
If all requests are redirected through the i2p service, then such requests will be sent through one of the gateways... but this is slow, everyone will turn it off, as long as it works and quickly.
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