
Permanent IRC habrachannel on the I2P darknet

Время на прочтение 3 min
Количество просмотров 14K

In light of the events of the last two years related to part of the product of the legislative activity of the Government of the Russian Federation relating to copyright and related rights, and describing the norms for combating their violation, it was decided to produce a means whose purpose would be saving the Habrahabr community from destruction in case of abuse of a number of Internet laws not in favor of Habrahabr.

Taking into account that Habrahabr still does not work via encrypted HTTP and does not have an IP address of the sixth version, not to mention the gateway of Habrahabr to the darknets, and the position of Habrahabr’s management on this matter has been expressed more than once, it was decided not to expect progress from Habrahabr, do not bicker or argue about the appropriateness of a number of topics on Habrahabr, but just organize open, anonymous platform discussions general. By Habrowsers for Habrowsers.

General discussions.
Yes, Khabrovsk residents really already had and have somewhere to go - thematic chats of projects of small communities that grew out of the Habracommunity have already been created (XMPP conferences public@dev.altroism.org, torrents-database@conference.jabber.no), not to mention annual tradition of getting together on IRC and Jabber conferences for the New Year.

However, there has been no general realtime chat yet.

So, to all Habrausers, active and read-only, welcome to #habrahabr on the Irc2P network!

To connect, you need a configured one (on Habré there is I2P hub, where almost every article describes a simple process for setting up a router, but I made a small FAQ here too) and a working I2P router, as well as an IRC client with Unicode support (Chatzilla, irssi, xchat, Colloquy, mIRC or any other).

Once everything is installed and configured, point your IRC client to port 6668, opened by the I2P router, and go to the #habrahabr channel! Encoding - UTF-8.

A little about the channel structure and plans. Most likely, at first, if Khabrovsk residents are still interested in this idea, the owner of the channel and the author of the idea Liumee (rafael), I and a few other people will hang out on the channel, but then, when the first wave has passed, if there are enough interested users left, there is an idea to move on to the next model:
  • perhaps all non-readonly Habrahabr users will receive moderator powers, or only selected Habrausers who are trusted by the community, and if (when/suddenly) they are interested;
  • verification of ro/rw users will be done manually at first, but there are plans to write an IRC bot whose duties can be entrusted with automatic verification (this is just fun and cool) of the user (in addition, it is possible to broadcast the entire Live broadcast, or only topics per channel; changes in the Best of the Day list; registration of new Habr users, and so on - the scope of imagination is enormous, not counting the usual bot services such as memo, news and seen).

Ideas and wishes (except for “drown yourself”, “I2P is not needed” or “IRC is not needed”) from Khabrovsk residents are taken into account!

PS Thank you namespace for an invite author of the idea and owner of the channel rafael ( Liumee).

PPS Actually, the FAQ, which I saw out of the corner of my eye among the comments to posts about I2P
: Как сделать, чтобы консоль I2P была доступна не только через локалхост? : В должно быть так: Здесь вместо вписан — биндинг на все интерфейсы. : Как сделать, чтобы можно было бы использовать I2P через рутер, запущенный на другом компьютере? : В измените на для non-SSL (plain HTTP) proxy, или на , если вы используете HTTPS-proxy. : Где находятся все эти файлы — , , , и так далее? : Обычно — в домашней директории пользователя. Для Unix-подобных OS, OS/2 и других невиндов эти файлы скорее всего появятся в после первого запуска рутера. Для Windows наиболее вероятное местонахождение — . : Какой порт у консоли рутера? : 7657 : На каком порте открывается шлюз в Irc2P? : 6668. Легко запомнить — стандартный порт IRC + 1.

PPPS Maximum recorded quantity Human on the channel: fifty!.
Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign in, Please.
Do you like this idea?
85.81% Yes 653
14.19% No (but why??) 108
761 users voted. 260 users abstained.
Всего голосов 59: ↑53 и ↓6 +47
Комментарии 90

Comments 90

really well done, but for example I don’t really understand how to configure i2p because... Such a task has never arisen before me. I find it useful to supplement the article with specific links about setting it up step by step, so that every beginner can understand it.
Look for “i2p ubuntu” - a simple manual in Russian
i2p is very easy to set up, or rather, you only need to set up the browser, and the rest everything works after installation on the Java machine.
Sorry for the “No” in the survey, but we need to clarify one point.
What's bad about any other IRC server? Why is it necessary in I2P? If encryption is for the sake of encryption, then this is somehow at least strange.
I am responsible for myself.

I don’t know what exactly Rafael was guided by when he first went to #habrahabr in Irc2P and registered it with the channelserv, but since this channel has existed for a year (and I joined a month ago), I decided not to create more.

In Irc2P there are also practically no restrictions on topics; it is impossible to “cover” this network (while other IRC networks are blocked simply - all servers of this network are blacklisted). In general, I want to see hardcore habrahab on the channel, at least about thirty people. And then changing location will be painful.

I also like to support I2P, and I think it’s a misunderstanding that, one, this network is not popular enough among Habrahabr users, and two, that the real Habrahabra community actually has nowhere to go either in IRC or in I2P.
So I liked the idea of ​​fixing everything together, at once..

I also met people (possibly paranoid) who were displeased with IRC because the user’s IP is visible to everyone (this was an argument in favor of p2pchat and xmpp conferences). By the way, one didn’t even show Habr his IP…

Well that's it. Reflections. In general, something like that, yes.
Not a lot of chat there.
Ten people so far, not counting the bot.

To self-maintain a channel, in my experience, it is enough if these ten people visit it regularly.

But we're waiting, yeah.
Fourteen people were recorded. But these are two more regulars, something is missing…
there are 46 people on the #habrahabr channel in RusNet now. And we have been sitting there for more than three years. Don’t be fooled by the number of users :) they come after being mentioned in posts, and then leave or become silent.
We are already 41 people and one bot! :P
Got it! :P :D
Nice nickname.
It's high time to make Habr mirrors in i2p and tor.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
I don’t think that, at least for now, there is any point in not allowing those who are not on the hub to join the channel. I already wrote in the article that there is an idea to somehow differentiate ro/unregistered and rw users. We need to think about this.
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
You will get good de-anonymization if you link a specific i2p user to his habraaccount.
Why IRC and not Jabber??
Ideas and wishes (except “drown”, “I2P is not needed” or “IRC is not needed») Khabrovsk residents are taken into account!

As I saw it. And honestly, I'm tired of explaining. Because.

Because IRC is an old hacker party.

Because I'm uncomfortable with Jabber conferences.

Because the ways to hide an xmpp conference in I2P are not obvious.

Because the limit is one hundred people per room..

Because there are no Jabber servers in I2P. Raise yours?

Because Irc2P support in I2P is out of the box, and each article describes how to connect.

Because in Irc2P, as in any IRC network, there are many servers. And everyone's location is unknown. And everyone is monitored by an independent group of administrators.

Because I love IRC.
I sent an invite to a friend, we need people like this!
Thank you on behalf of a friend who, it seems, will not appear on the channel this Friday - he is resting ^_^
It’s a lame request, but still: it wouldn’t be a bad idea to immediately post a manual for connecting to Win OS & Linux OS (at least a short one, with an outline of the main steps). Newbies will say thank you (and there are many of them, as far as I understand)).
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
It doesn’t seem too reasonable to me to publicly link your nicknames in irc2p to nicknames on the big Internet, for example on Habré, which, to put it mildly, is not entirely anonymous. Because this specific de-anonymization.
Unprovable connection. If I call there on behalf of Deputy Pupkin for the genocide of bananas, can this lead to consequences for him? There is no connection between the nickname and the real person. A simple coincidence of names has no meaning.
Suppose you, under the nickname Meklon with the status of OP (which means that you are verified), wrote “Khutin - puy” on a channel in irc2p. It will be enough for an uncle in civilian clothes to find out who he is through the large and non-anonymous Internet Meklon here. That's what the terrible extremist will find.
Formally, this looks like very circumstantial evidence, but in our realities... Okay, we’ve convinced you.
But it’s enough to add the letter i in front of the nickname or anything at all so that the nickname is similar, but different - there’s no paranoia
Uh, what? It will not be robots who compare character by character who will catch you. People will catch you. And we live in a “not quite” rule of law state. So you need to be afraid not that they will prove that the nicknames belong to one person, but that they will find you at all, even if you are alttstas.
I have already talked about this topic with Rafael and we, in general, agreed.

Force register on the bot and authorize yourself as legitimate no one will be a user of habrahabr.
Those who do this will presumably simply be given some goodies, such as a banhammer, topic editing, or some kind of bot service. But for those who, for whatever reason, do not want to do this, no artificial restrictions will be established..

Connecting a user with a redwrite account on Habré is simply a guarantee that he will not do all sorts of bullshit on the channel (for example, banning at his own discretion or personal dislike, writing obscenities in a topic, flooding and kicking everyone), because then it will be possible, in addition to ban, drain ka... something that cannot be named.

Interestingly, no one prohibits two nicknames with different addresses from entering the same channel ;)
But this is for monsieur…

Everyone decides for themselves.
Interestingly, no one prohibits two nicknames with different addresses from entering the same channel ;)
But this is for monsieur…

The idea is reasonable. But I would put it somewhere in the FAQ and separately indicate that you need to log in from DIFFERENT i2p routers, otherwise the nicknames on the channel can theoretically be compared.
Alternatively, you can make several different tunnels on one router.
Let us overcome your paranoia
/msg verifybot username
verifybot sets mode +v on #habrahabr anonymous
The beauty of i2p is that even the owners of the services you use cannot hand you over to your uncle major. According to your scheme, you put your anonymity in the hands of the bot owners, which is not true.
Yes, that’s why this solution is suitable for both paranoids and normal people - paranoids remain anonymous, and those who reveal their identity and confirm that they are Khabrovians receive bonuses in the form of bot trust.
I like the idea of ​​combining a verifier bot and different nicknames from different routers on the channel. Thanks for the ideas. :)
If nothing at all, then the problem is broader. If i2p cannot find a domain, then it displays a page with a list of jump services. It doesn't show up for you?
When you try to open nnm-club.i2p/ after 40 seconds of waiting it shows

Warning: Eepsite Unreachable

The eepsite was not reachable. The eepsite is offline, there is network congestion, or your router is not yet well-integrated with peers. You may want to retry.

Could not find the following destination:
I agree with the idea that the problem is insufficient uptime. The resolution seems to have passed, but the site does not load. Well, or stupidly nnm-club.i2p is unavailable. I usually check connections using forum.rus.i2p.
In the console "Network: Ok"? What is the uptime of the router??
Uptime: 6 days

Network: WARN-Firewalled with Inbound TCP Enabled

Now I tried to add both rules to the Windows Firewall (for C:\Program Files (x86)\i2p\I2Psvc.exe any input and any output), but this did not add any benefit.
This uptime is already too long to influence anything. The problem, then, is Network: WARN-Firewalled with Inbound TCP Enabled. We need to fix this somehow. Are the ports forwarded? If not, does your NAT support uPnP? Is it included? And in the router I2P? (This is TP-Link Model No. TL-WR720N)
Current UPnP Status: Enabled
And Skype UDP, Teredo, BitTorrent are already hanging there

Which port should I throw where? If it’s incoming, then I can forward it in the same way as I already did “21 to” (.64 is my computer). If it’s outgoing, then I don’t even know where to send it.

On the other hand, I noticed that Pcheline has completely killed VPN for a month now. Either they are fighting cunning lawyers, or the policy of the state firewall. And I’m a “physicist”, I need a VPN not for a corporation that is deceiving the provider, but to get through the government firewall.
How did he kill the VPN? Seriously???
I will say this: no way to enable VPN (I tried three or four VPN providers that definitely work) did not go further than Connection Timeout.
UPnP Configuration: Enable UPnP to open firewall ports
UPnP Status: UPnP has not found any UPnP-aware, compatible device on your LAN.
IP Configuration:
Externally reachable hostname or IP address: Use all auto-detect methods
IPv6 Configuration: Prefer IPv6 over IPv4
TCP Configuration:
Externally reachable hostname or IP address: Use auto-detected IP address (currently 37.99.XXX.XXX) if we are not firewalled

No ports are listed on the page.
UDP Configuration:
  • UDP port:

Externally reachable TCP port:
  • Use the same port configured for UDP (currently ****)
  • Specify Port:

Search a little lower.
ABOUT! I saw it. And where to throw it from where? Is this a constant, or changes with reboot?
You need to throw it from the computer’s IP inside the local area to the Internet. Port constant unless otherwise specified:
Action when changing IP:
  • Mobile computer mode: Automatically change router ID and UDP port after IP change (experimental mode)

And, by the way, the web interface language can be changed to Russian. there in there are checkboxes corresponding to languages.
Thank you, the localization is more familiar to me than English.

I left the port in the router, although it seems to me that in this router there is no concept of “from the inside to the outside”».
There is only a Forwarding\Virtual Servers section (as I understand it, if I open FTP on a laptop), that is, “from the outside to the inside”».

Only partially helped: nnm-club.i2p/ opened,
But flibusta.i2p/, thepiratebay.i2p/ And forum.rus.i2p/ — time-out:
«The eepsite was not reachable. The eepsite is offline, there is network congestion, or your router is not yet well-integrated with peers. You may want to retry.
Could not find the following destination:»

This is despite the fact that flibusta and tbp are included in my published Address Book, but nnm is not included.

Although now Uptime: 4 min.
When the port is changed, it restarts. As for “from the inside out”, I’m sorry, I got confused, although everything is relative. I meant that with the i2p port you need to do the same as with a hypothetical ftp on a laptop.

Oh, yes, the speed of operation depends more on how long the router instance has worked in general than on the time that has passed since launch.
nnm-club.i2p/ works.
Other .i2p files do not open.
Do I need to wait N-twenty hours for the addressing to be absorbed?»?
If by sucked addressing you mean the resolution of domain names, then no. If you don’t have any record, then just click get it from the jump service, and it will be saved for you.

If by this you mean integration into the network, then yes, it’s better to wait. But an hour is definitely absolutely enough. Increase the number of tunnels and set a lower speed limit (that is, raise the bar, I mean).
The rest of .i2p may be down now. On inr.i2p there is a list of sites that do not lie.
So, inr.i2p does not open :-)
Wait for integration. Network should be Ok, if not, be sure to check it out, because it won’t be good otherwise.

Flibusta opens normally for me. TPB and forum.rus.itupi don’t want to. TPB in general and on the Internet has not been stable and may simply stop opening for a day. I don’t know forum.rus.i2p…
There seems to be one caveat. If people wanted chats, they would sit in them, but from my experience, the chat audience is very specific and few people are interested in the topic of chats. I noticed that chats on WhatsApp or Viber are developing very well now. Nobody is interested in sitting in stressful chats lately that require installing something. They also do well in web chats on sites of certain subjects..
Don't you need to install WhatsApp or Viber??
z.y. Well, yes, I haven’t seen thematic (at least on programming) live chats for a long time, either in irc, or in jabber, or somewhere else.
What are you getting at, I don’t really understand? :)
In the room, turn off the service messages about entry and exit and happiness will truly come!
There is no 100% working way to somehow (for example, channel mod) force all clients to hide joins and desks.

Chatzilla, for example, does not show them if the number of people in the channel reaches 150.
This number, for example, can be changed, including completely disabling such a function or, conversely, making it always hide joints and desks.
Everything works great. It’s just not very clear why they communicate in English. Looks like a Russian-speaking audience. Not critical.
No, it seemed to be in Russian :)

It was the next morning when some bourgeois ch01z came in and began to scold everyone that the channel here is not in English, and in general, the hub needs to be translated :D

The conversation is now in Russian.
Yes, I came in this morning and decided that I missed the channel.
How do you like this idea: to send IRC to as many networks as possible? In addition to i2p, there are also, at a minimum, Tor and cjdns.
I thought it would be nice to make a webchat gateway into a channel on the Internet.
Well, for those who are stupid^Wcould not configure I2P or download the client, or are too lazy (and in vain).

And with other networks - if not web chat, then how do you even propose to do this??

Probably, this can be implemented if you set up your own IRC server and ask to join the Irc2P network with it (if they take it). But isn't it too difficult?
And who’s stopping you from simply installing software for each of the networks on the server so that it is available everywhere? Including, you can leave access from the regular Internet.
Probably because I do not have access to any of the IRC servers and, moreover, their location on the globe has not been established at all?
Sorry, I misunderstood the article. I thought you raised your server. Well, in this case, you can set up a gateway server with access to different networks.

And geographical location doesn’t play any role here at all.…
Probably, this can be implemented if you set up your own IRC server and ask to join the Irc2P network with it (if they take it). But isn't it too difficult?
No point. inproxy in non-anonymous networks regularly fall off, as they are taken out by the concerned authorities. In tor and i2p it is possible. Not in cjdns
Why doesn't it make sense? The channel would be accessible from different networks, and not just from one i2p. On the Internet, yes, here you are most likely right, it would be superfluous. But there are people in tor and cjdns, both networks are anonymous, like i2p, so it makes sense.
cjdns is not anonymous. Everyone has already admitted this except you. That is why it is dangerous for the mirror to turn on in her.
Well, don't start again, huh? If you don’t understand something, ask, they will probably explain it to you.
234 vote

I still haven’t explained it to you, as I understand it. Are you trying to get a minus for chatting about something you understand nothing about? For what? You can just not write anything.
So don't write what the problem is?
I don’t write what I don’t know. Therefore, I retain the opportunity to write new posts that do not contain outright nonsense.

By the way, since you are so smart, make your own IRC gateway from cjdns to i2p. And then if you yourself prove to the authorities that cjdns is anonymous, which is easier. And don’t encourage others to substitute themselves..
Well, don't start again, huh? If you don’t understand something, ask, they will probably explain it to you.

At this point I will stop all communication with you..
Hmm... I'm off to set up i2p, that might be fun :)
Why not enable banal HTTPS first??

Valid certificate for one year for free gives www.startssl.com/
Even Wildcard costs from $300/year (Comodo)
Where? In i2p. There is no need for ssl. It is already built into the functionality of the network.
On the main website habrahabr.ru
A small step to “save from destruction.” I understand that the question is not for you.
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